About Eric

Hello friends!

Thank you, for spending your precious time on my website.

That means a lot to me.

My name is Eric Edmond.  I live in Montreal, Canada.

I embrace the Solopreneur Lifestyle with a passion!

Affiliate Marketing is what I do for a living.

I also invest in domain names and a few other ventures.

Affiliate Marketing & Flipping Domain Names were the 2 online ventures I started a while ago.

And, I still enjoy doing now, I started back in 2004.

And honestly, once you start to take action and stop second guessing if things will go well.

And keep having faith and hope that if there is a way, I will find it.

There is no stopping YOU!

Let’s not waste any more time.

You are here on my website, to make money.

You need hard cash that you can count in your hands.

Don’t underestimate the name of my website, yet.

If you follow my instructions you will get results, positive results.

The kind results that put a smile on your face.

And more fund in your bank account.

Making an income online for me is a challenge I don’t want to turn down.

With Patience, Persistence and the right mindset, I pushed myself to always over deliver.

Because I know I can and there is no fun in the average crowd.

To end a long story in a few words:

I started my journey to making a living from my computer back in the early 2000s. When it comes to making money online I first had success with flipping domain names.

Making a few hundred dollars per months.

But, Blogging and Affiliate Marketing became very lucrative passions.

I still learn as I go because the online marketing world is always in mutation and you always have to keep up or else you will be left behind. And at the same time leaving a lot of cash on the table.

Learning is something I really enjoy to do.

So, learning on how to make the income that will at least match what a 9-5 offer from the comfort of my home was more than enjoyable for me. Time well spend.

I am not special. 

I know something you absolutely need to learn about online marketing.

Actually just a few things…

The Main One is: You can have success too. You just need to start.

If you never did Online Marketing before… Remember to start; Now.


With followinstructionsandmoney.com, I want to help individuals who are struggling to make end meets. Let’s them know that with an online business you can have life-changing income coming in each and every weeks, months for years to comes!

If you are willing to take the risk to trust me with your financial future, it’s my duty not to disappoint.

The opportunity to make money online will always be around.

Just take it.

The name of this website is not a gimmick, its real.

A little effort on your part to take action to follow instructions and you will see that the name of this site is not a lie.

Invest in yourself this is the best thing and should be the first thing you do for now on.

Questions, mix feelings, doubts or confused?

Just contact me.

You will get support from me.

I will help you succeed.

All the best,

Eric Edmond




How-I-Manage-To-Make-Money-Online.com: My 1st Website, check it out!

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